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January/February 2021 -   -  

Coming Soon: ‘Dispatches’ and ‘The Outlet’

The VVA Veteran soon will introduce two new online livestreaming features—“Dispatches,” a series of one-on-one conversations hosted by the magazine’s arts editor and senior writer Marc Leepson, and “The Outlet,” coordinated by VVA Veteran editorial assistant Daniel Devora.

With “Dispatches,” Leepson will interview writers, actors, directors, and other artists whose work deals with the Vietnam War or its veterans in livestream conversations. Each episode of “The Outlet” will focus on an issue of importance to Vietnam veterans and their families, such as Agent Orange, post-traumatic stress disorder, POW/MIA accounting, and VA benefits. A VVA Officer, Board member, national committee chair, or national office staff member will respond to questions submitted in advance by members through The Veteran’s Facebook page. The initial episode will field questions on VVA’s upcoming Convention.

The livestreams will appear on The VVA Veteran’s Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/vvaveteran They also will be recorded and archived on the magazine’s web page, http://www.vvaveteran.org and on VVA’s website, https://vva.org

“We are excited about bringing these new 30-45 minute features to our members and to the world through the Internet,” said VVA Veteran editor Michael Keating. “We will stagger them so that ‘Dispatches’ and ‘The Outlet’ go live on different days, and new episodes of each will appear in three-week intervals.”

The VVA Veteran staff came up the concept, Keating said, mainly to provide a new source of information to those hunkering down at home during the pandemic. If you have an idea for a topic for “The Outlet” or a guest for “Dispatches,” we’d be happy to hear from you. Email your suggestions to mkeating@vva.org and watch for announcements of upcoming livestreams on Facebook and The VVA Veteran website.




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Geoffrey Clifford Mark F. Erickson Chuck Forsman